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Feeding a Hospice Patient who is Always Nauseous

8 Tips Feeding a Hospice Patient who is Always Nauseous

The feeling of being sick or nauseous is common in patients who undergo serious treatment procedures such as chemotherapy. Unfortunately, nausea can result in vomiting, which is not good for the patient. In their sick condition, they still need sufficient nutrition for better recovery and improved well-being.

If your loved one has a terminal illness, the nauseous feeling can be even more pronounced. This makes their nutrition needs very much vital. It would do well to get assistance from a Hospice Care Provider in California so that you will be able to provide the quality nutrition needs of your beloved family member.

As a provider of Hospice Care, we would like to share with you these feeding tips to a sick loved one who is frequently feeling nauseous.

  • Mind the temperature
    In contrast to hot foods, cold foods don’t emit any kind of odor that might be a trigger for nausea. Consult with a dietitian on nutritious foods that are best served cold.
  • Eat slowly
    With assistance from a Home Health Aide in Rancho Cucamonga, CA, your loved ones can get their foods prepared in small portions so that they can eat slowly. Slow and small eating can reduce the chances of vomiting.
  • Choose dry foods
    Dry foods like crackers are also ideal for patients who are prone to nausea. Try to serve healthy versions of crackers or toast.
  • Sips of water
    Every after a meal, let your loved one have small sips to neutralize the taste of the food they’re eating. Sometimes, it’s the remaining taste of the food that can cause the feeling of nausea.
  • Sit upright
    When your loved one is done eating, let them sit upright so they will be able to control the nauseous feeling. Let them remain in this position for about two hours or more.
  • Less fats
    Serve foods that have fewer fats as the oily ingredient can be unappealing to some patients. This may result in vomiting episodes.
  • Eat somewhere
    Try to serve the foods in a place where the patient can’t see where the food was prepared. You can also play calm music in the background to stimulate a peaceful mood.
  • Get help
    If you can’t prepare healthier food options for your loved one, request help from skilled caregivers. These are professionals who see to it that the clients are eating healthy meals and assist them in the feeding.

Vomiting or the feeling of nausea are actually just symptoms of your loved one’s illness. With proper care, they will be able to get the nutrients they need in order to manage their condition. At St. Francis Hospice Care, we have compassionate staff who don’t just help you prepare healthier meals for your loved ones, but also assist you in alleviating their pains and symptoms. When your loved one’s physician recommends for them to get hospice care, set an appointment with us right away.

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  • St. Francis Hospice Care, Inc.
    10970 Arrow Route, Suite 204
    Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
  • Phone : 909-989-5383
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